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Holidays in the mountains of Val Senales in South Tyrol – another kind of wellness

Nature holidays in the heart of South Tyrol.

In the Ötztal Alps of Val Senales, South Tyrol, time seems to pass by more slowly. As soon as you step through the door of your apartment in our Alpine lodge, the tranquillity of nature will embrace your soul like a warm coat. The breath-taking mountain scenery, which has remained intact as it was centuries ago, lets us breathe freely once more. The inhabitants of this area already knew how to appreciate wellness facilities long before the word was invented.

Barfuß über eine saftige Wiese laufen, die Füße im sprudelnd-kühlen Nass eines Bergbaches erfrischen, klare Bergluft einatmen und duftende Nadelhölzer riechen – es sind Sinneseindrücke wie diese, die uns zur Ruhe kommen lassen. Diese beinahe magische Kraft der Natur findet im Wellness-Bereich unserer Alpine Lodge ihre konsequente Fortsetzung: Nach einer ausgedehnten Wanderung oder Skitour lässt es sich in der Finnischen Sauna, der Infrarotkabine oder dem Ruheraum wunderbar entspannen und träumen. Die Erlebnisdusche belebt die Sinne und bildet den krönenden Abschluss eines rundum gelungenen Urlaubstages in Ihrer Traum-Ferienwohnung.

Walking bare-foot across a fragrant meadow or in the bubbly water of a mountain stream – it is the harmony with nature that gives us the peace we need. This almost magical power of nature is continued in the wellness area of our Alpine lodge. After a long day of hiking or skiing, you can fully relax and dream in the Finnish sauna, the infrared cabin or relaxation room. The sensory shower will freshen your senses and will be the crowning glory of a totally perfect day in your dream holiday apartment.

Vitae gaudium - The joy of living

It is not a luxury - everyone needs a place to rest and feel inspired, to have fun and spend time together, or to work. The lodge is the perfect place for this, at any time of year and for any occasion:

Vitae commoda – The comforts in life

Our apartments

All the apartments in our refuge are different from one another; each has unique Tyrolean charm and tells a story of its own.

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Min: -3° / 3°
Max: 3° / 10°
Di. 11.02.25
Min: -3° / 3°
Max: 3° / 11°
Mi. 12.02.25
Min: -5° / 2°
Max: 2° / 11°
Do. 13.02.25

“The past is history, the future is a secret, and every moment is a gift.”

Ina Deter

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